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Day Three: 2018

I can't believe I'm still awake. I was supposed to have a decent sleep schedule by now. Shit, I'm getting up at 6:30 for a run. So much for New Years Resolutions. But, I guess this is what happens when you stay up until 9PM, eat cake you really really shouldn't eat, and spend three hours creating a health and fitness board on Pinterest that's really just full of thinspo. Way to check the "work on my mental well-being" resolution. Right now, I'm considering doing as many sit ups as I can to pass the time, but really that just means sneaking downstairs and scoffing my face. On the other hand I know that I simply must find a way of squeezing into the £50 worth of size 10 clothes I bought from so I'm trying my hardest to resist the last slice of glossy chocolate cake that's sat on the kitchen counter. Just drink two pints of water   my brain tells me. Which is a pretty decent idea since I'm probably dehydrated, hen

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